February 22, 2010

Midwinter Grilling

While I was jaunting around southern Wisconsin last weekend, visiting a dog we might adopt, I came across a local meat shop near Darien and popped in to see what they have. I picked up some decent sausage (which became meatballs at dinner that night), but the main thing that caught my eye were their ribs. It was 'warm' that weekend so I was hoping to have an excuse to grill.

I cobbled together a couple of rub recipes and used salt, pepper, paprika, brown sugar, and garlic powder as my rub. The recipe I had called for more or less steaming the ribs in a covered pan with water in the oven for 2 hours before the grill, which I was kind of skeptical of, but the result was just fine. One of the nice things about grilling in winter here is that the snow catches the ambient light so you can see what you're doing a little better when grilling after dark.

Final result:

I also made a loaf of fellow grad student Jason Murcko's excellent Challah bread

I love making braided breads - they look so cool when you take them out of the oven.

The ribs were pure win - this was my first time cooking anything like them. Maybe in the summer sometime (if I'm here...) I'll experiment with full-on smoking and the like in the grill. I'm looking forward to doing these again.


Unknown said...

Wow. I went from not-hungry to starving in like three pictures.